Update statement using self join - response (1) by mohan.mscss
sel id,effdate, max(post_eff_date) over (partition by id, effdate) as postdate from tblname;
View ArticleUpdate statement using self join - response (2) by arbiswas
Thanks Mohan :-).. it was quick..
View Articlehow know the difference between compress table and general table ? - response...
I hope when you said "compress table", you meant the table with its column values compressed as there is nothing like compress table in teradata (as per my knowledge). And you can always check if the...
View ArticleData movement across Terdata server - response (1) by KS42982
I'd rank based on the performance like below - 2> TPT 1>ARCMain 3> Fast export/Fast Load
View ArticleMetadata information for a view - response (1) by KS42982
You can try something like below - SELECT TOP 1 TYPE(col1),TYPE(col2),...,TYPE(coln) FROM dbname.viewname
View Articlehow know the table size ? - response (3) by Nishant.Bhardwaj
Just to add more to the above Query - Select Sum(Currentperm), vproc from DBC.Tablesize where databasename ='abc' and tablename ='pqr' Group by Vproc;
View ArticleHow to reduce skew factor on stage tables with NoPI? - forum topic by mandava921
Hi, I am new to teradata. I have several stage tables defined as NoPI. I notice most stage talbes have skew factor > 50. Is there a way to reduce this. What is the best way to handle this situation...
View ArticleHow to reduce skew factor on stage tables with NoPI? - response (1) by dnoeth
How large are those tables? And how are they loaded? Dieter
View ArticleMVC is helpful for running queires - forum topic by arbiswas
Hi Expert, I have couple of tables with 2 GB size each and which can grow upto 10 GB each in next 1 yr. DBA has proposed for MVC on certain columns. (TRANSACTION_DATE-- its a partitioned column),...
View ArticleWill volatile tables be dropped? - response (16) by maniamenon
Hi Dieter, When I am trying to create a Volatile Table in the Procedure, it gives an error as below: SPL1027:E(L71), Missing/Invalid SQL statement'E(3807):Object 'vt_TableTar' does not exist.'....
View ArticleWill volatile tables be dropped? - response (17) by dnoeth
Hi Mani, don't care, this should be no error, but a warning message, i.e. the SP still gets created. When the VT doesn't exist in the current session, there's this warning message for the INSERT, but...
View ArticleError 2803 Secondary index uniqueness violation error utf-8 impact? - forum...
Hi there, I assume I have a pretty naughty case . I have a dimension table with a secondary unique index (COUNTRY_ISO_A2 ,CITY_TXT ,ZIP_CODE) from columns with datatype VARCHAR() CHARACTER SET UNICODE...
View ArticleData movement across Terdata server - response (2) by meet_as
Thanks for the response. If possible can you please tell the reason why TPT is fastest on the performace than others. Regards, meet_as
View ArticleHow to reduce skew factor on stage tables with NoPI? - response (2) by jodba
Hi VM, These are probably small tables tables loaded with batch load TD utility. Even though it is true that your NoPI tables will be loaded in round robin manner in this case, the round robin is...
View ArticleError 2803 Secondary index uniqueness violation error utf-8 impact? -...
Are you shure the duplicate is not in your staging table? sel COUNTRY_ISO_A2 ,CITY_TXT ,ZIP_CODE from staging group by 1 having count(*) > 1 And to find out which rows might cause that error: sel...
View ArticleQuery Tuning - response (13) by jodba
I would also check if the problem is not in the Insert step of the query. TRIMs will definitely burn a lot of additional CPU cycles, but still it should not take that much time to select 210 million...
View ArticleConcatenate o/p of two select statements - response (15) by jodba
Hi Mahesh, I would suggest using ROW_NUMBER() instead of RANK() and change the recursive UNION ALL WHERE clause to:...WHERE RSLT.RN1 + 1 = B.RN1 Best Regards, Igor
View ArticleError 2803 Secondary index uniqueness violation error utf-8 impact? -...
Hi Daniel, thanks both queries returned no occurrence, so I am left with the next control. rgds JL D
View ArticleError 2803 Secondary index uniqueness violation error utf-8 impact? -...
Sorry Dieter for the wrong name JL
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