SQL Syntax - response (1) by ulrich
did you try to create a view like Create view VW2 as SEL a.col1, a.col2, a.col3, b.col4 from ( sel col1, col2, col3 from tab1 where col2 = 'ABC' ) a left outer join (SEL col1, Col3 as col4 from tab1...
View ArticleWhat is compress? With example pls explain?What is use of compress? - forum...
What is compress? With example pls explain?What is use of compress?Forums: Database
View ArticleWhat is compress? With example pls explain?What is use of compress? -...
Here is really a good article on compress. It is an old article but will answer your questions.http://www.teradataforum.com/l020829a.htm
View ArticleSQL Syntax - response (2) by AsherShah
yes, I tired but it won't work because this view can not have the hard coded WHERE clause as this will be passed by user. Based on your syntax view should be like code below but this is not working for...
View ArticleAlgorithmic compression in DBQL History tables - forum topic by TSchmolzi
I am considering the impementation of algorithmic compression within our 13.10 system's DBQL History tables. We have quite a long retention requirement for this data and the daily maintenance and...
View ArticleSQL Syntax - response (3) by dnoeth
You probably need to a PARTITION to your ROW_NUMBER: row_number() over (PARTITION BY col2 order by col1) But you should check explain, it might do the STATS step before applying the WHERE filter. Dieter
View ArticlePerformance considerations during taking back up-- - response (5) by...
Thanks Dieter for the Response.. Actaully the thing is ,we have PPI defined on A so when we do the INSERT SELECT on the empty A_bkp table then in this case optimizer is using the spool space and...
View ArticlePerformance considerations during taking back up-- - response (6) by dnoeth
Hi Nishant, if target is an exact copy of source then there will be no spool involved, regardless of PPI or not, simply look at explain. You should check if A and A_bkp DDL is different. Dieter
View ArticlePerformance considerations during taking back up-- - response (7) by...
Hi Dieter , Both are having same Structures but they are created at different databases, i mean, one at LIVE and other at BACKUP Db. does different DB's making the usage of spool in INSERT Select?...
View ArticlePerformance considerations during taking back up-- - response (8) by dnoeth
Hi Nishant, same database or not doesn't matter. If there's spool usage there must be a difference in DDL. MERGE might use no spool when both source and target have the same (P)PI. Dieter
View ArticleSQL Syntax - response (4) by ulrich
It's like Dieter suggested try replace view test_db _uli.v_test1 as select a.col1, a.col2, a.col3, b.col4 from ( select calendar_date as col1, month_of_year as col2, year_of_calendar as col3 from...
View ArticleCompression in Teradata - response (1) by KS42982
When you do INSERT-SELECT between 2 exact same tables then there is NO spool involved at all. That might be the reason when you match the datatype in table2 with table1, you do not get the spool space...
View ArticleMetadata information for a view - forum topic by sam_dhse
If i query dbc.columns for a particular table within a database it gives me column data type with its length.However if i have a custom view that is build on top of lets suppose 2 tables and if i query...
View ArticleData movement across Terdata server - forum topic by meet_as
Hi Experts, Please offer your opinion on data movement across Teradata servers( for e.g. production to Test, TD 14 to TD 12/13 or vice versa) using TTU. If you have to rank the tool/technology from...
View Articlehow know the difference between compress table and general table ? - forum...
how know the difference between compress table and general table ?Forums: Database
View Articlehow know the table size ? - forum topic by sai_666
how know the table size ?Forums: Database
View ArticleUpdate statement using self join - forum topic by arbiswas
Hi Experts, I hava an employee table which effective date and post effective date. post_eff_dt is next eff_dt for that employee. So if 31-jan-2013 is first row and 28-feb-2013 is second row then row...
View Articlehow know the table size ? - response (2) by mohan.mscss
sel * from dbc.tablesize where tablename='employee' and databasename='xxxx'
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