upgrading table/varchar columns definition from latin to unicode - content...
View ArticleImitating procedural language using SQL - forum topic by abin
Hi, I have this requierement to set a flag based on multiple logic. Main problem is flag needs to be set based on value from a previous record in the order. Here is an example. Last coulmn gives the...
View ArticleImitating procedural language using SQL - response (1) by abin
Trying to make the table in more readable format. Customer Entry_Date Action From To Flag Logic INBUGHUJIK 2/1/2010 10:00:00.000000 WENT-LST Bldg1 Bldg1...
View ArticleCreate table as select counts vs select counts different? - forum topic by...
I am new to Teradata but have run into something strange: I run a select that gets one set of counts and when I put that same select into a "create table as select" my counts end up being different....
View ArticleImitating procedural language using SQL - response (2) by dnoeth
Hi Abin, you can probably do that as OLAP functions allow access to the "previous" record, e.g. min(Action) over (partition by customer order by entry_date rows between 1 preceding and 1 preceding)...
View ArticleSQL Workaround - response (9) by kelvsdotph
ah yes, i think i saw things like that dieter on my previous project. Anyway, an update to everyone. I was advised by my partner to just make recommendation of a structural change since modifying...
View ArticleCreate table as select counts vs select counts different? - response (1) by...
Probably: The select returned duplicate rows and your table is created as SET table, do a SHOW TABLE MKTNG_PGM_NBR; If you actually need the duplicates you can override it:CREATE MULTISET TABLE ... And...
View ArticleCreate table as select counts vs select counts different? - response (2) by...
Thanks! That is what was happening - duplicate rows were being deleted. I created the multiset table and preserved rows on commit and I got the results I was expecting.
View ArticleShould I create staging tables with PI or shall I create NOPI tables? - forum...
My source is Oracle, and my staging tables are in Teradata. Should I create staging tables with PI or shall I create NOPI tables? What is recomanded? Thanks, Sayak.G Tags: dnoethForums: Database
View ArticleRights on View and macro and underlying tables - response (1) by...
Hi, Could anyone answer to my doubt ?
View ArticleBest practice for ELT: moving data from flat staging table to fact table? -...
I have figured out how to make the BTEQ work to carve up my import spreadsheet to load a fact table, but it will require me to wrap the BTEQ script in some other language (java or python) with some...
View ArticleRights on View and macro and underlying tables - response (2) by ToddAWalter
If the user is allowed those operations then it means that the owner of the view or marco has both the appropriate rights on the underlying table and WITH GRANT OPTION to be able to pass those rights...
View ArticleAutomatic script to change PI in case of high Skew - response (2) by KnowIT
Hi Dnoeth, Thanks for the inputs. Yeah, finally ended up tracking the skewed tables and recreated them (with manually chosen PI). Regards, Saran
View ArticleHelp calculating an average Start Time? - forum topic by AKBurnage
Hi Everyone - Looking for some advice! I have a column Start_dt which is in 'TimeStamp' format - ie has the date and the time. I would like to calculate the 'average start time', i.e 9:00, 9:10 the...
View ArticlePerformance 5650 vs. 2650 - forum topic by mlthomps
Hi, I'm a new TD DBA and been tasked to see about going from a 2-node 5650 to a 2650 we have. I found that the published scan rate for the 2650 is about 38GB/s, but cannot find a published rate for...
View ArticleShould I create staging tables with PI or shall I create NOPI tables? -...
Where can I find very good Tera Data material for self study ??
View ArticleHelp calculating an average Start Time? - response (1) by dnoeth
I'm afraid you can't do an average on a TIME :-( But it's not that complicated :-) TIME '00:00:00' + CAST(AVG(EXTRACT(HOUR FROM starttime) * 3600 + EXTRACT(MINUTE FROM starttime) * 60 + EXTRACT(SECOND...
View ArticleHelp calculating an average Start Time? - response (2) by M.Saeed Khurram
Hi, Try this, it worked for me. SELECT ColumnName, AVG(CAST(TIME_COLUMN AS INTERVAL HOUR(4) TO SECOND(0))) FROM ( SEL CAST(CAST(CAST('2013-09-13 12:01:23' AS TIMESTAMP(0)) AS FORMAT 'HH:MI:SS') AS...
View ArticleShould I create staging tables with PI or shall I create NOPI tables? -...
NOPI tables are recomended for staging tables. as at this level you do not have well defined PI columns, so in order to avoid skewed data distirbution, NOPI is good choice.
View ArticleShould I create staging tables with PI or shall I create NOPI tables? -...
You have umpteen options with Teradata. You can use NoPI staging tables. Probably you can download to a file. Then use fload to a staging NoPI table. Then load to a target table using insert-select....
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