You have umpteen options with Teradata.
You can use NoPI staging tables.
Probably you can download to a file. Then use fload to a staging NoPI table. Then load to a target table using insert-select. In case you find a performance issue, then you can think of using clauses like hash by, hash by random,local order by ....
You can use TPT , even it is available with wizard, where you can see
New Job,Job Name and description, Choose your source as oracle and so on and so forth, choose your destination as Teradata: Load stream for emptu table, it loads faster than update or stream operator....Please have a look at the document.
Thanks and regards,
You have umpteen options with Teradata.
You can use NoPI staging tables.
Probably you can download to a file. Then use fload to a staging NoPI table. Then load to a target table using insert-select. In case you find a performance issue, then you can think of using clauses like hash by, hash by random,local order by ....
You can use TPT , even it is available with wizard, where you can see
New Job,Job Name and description, Choose your source as oracle and so on and so forth, choose your destination as Teradata: Load stream for emptu table, it loads faster than update or stream operator....Please have a look at the document.
Thanks and regards,