Get Row Count of a Table on a previous date - response (3) by usmans
Thanks for the replies folks. We have a housekeeping job that keeps a record of all the sizes of tables as well as databases, but only 90 days old.
View ArticleUpdate for Derive Tables - response (3) by nevermore
Hi, When I used the upper query for update, I get the error "Derived table not allowed to update". So I stop using derived table and convert my query as shown below : UPDATE T1 FROM TABLE_1 T1 ,...
View ArticleLatest database tools to learn - forum topic by vmaram
What are the latest tools to explore DB?Forums: Database
View ArticleCalculating the actual query run time - response (9) by usmans
To find the total time the query spent on the system vs the total time the query was actuallly processed can be found via dbql: ( ( a.firstresptime - a.starttime ) HOUR( 4 ) TO SECOND( 2 ) ) AS...
View Articlequery for getting elapsed time - response (5) by usmans
Rajgopal, The above query will give you the total time the query spent on the system (including active time and delay time). If you want to calculate the total Active Execution Time of the query on...
View ArticleDifference Between Restore Job and Copy Job - response (39) by usmans
Below is the difference between the two:Restore Job: If the table you are to restore currently exists at the same location, (note that it has not been dropped and recreated since the time the backup...
View ArticleDifference Between Restore Job and Copy Job - response (40) by amolph
Thnaks UsMans, And what did you do for- Also let me add, that during the backup, a very small table was skipped due to being in the state of MLoad/FLoad. Any suggestions and comments would be most...
View ArticleLatest database tools to learn - response (1) by M.Saeed Khurram
If you simply want to learn and explore the teradata database, then you can install teradatra tools and utilities and explore the database structures and other features. If you are asking about the...
View ArticleGet Row Count of a Table on a previous date - response (4) by Qaisar Aftab Kiani
You can calculate the size of row using the data types used in table definition and probably can do some maths to calculate the number of rows using currentperm consumed against the rowsize. You can...
View ArticleAggregate Join Indexes - Implementation suggestion reqd - forum topic by...
I have a requirement to create an AJI (Partitioned on Shipment_Dt) with 120 Weeks of Data. Could you please suggest the best way to implement that based on your experiences. 1. Keep the dimension Ids...
View ArticleSelect statements to get metadata - forum topic by WindwardAdmin
Hi all; We're working on adding a driver to our AutoTag product for Teradata. To do so we need to pull down the metadata from the database. We do all this in C#. Can you please tell me how to: Do you...
View ArticleSQL Workaround - forum topic by kelvsdotph
hi Teradata forumers, Can you guys help figure an SQL? here's my problem. For my query tuning work, Im joining a fairly big table and a small one.The column being joined in the BIG table is only a...
View ArticleSQL Workaround - response (1) by dnoeth
Define "fairly big" and "fairly small". A small table will probably be "duplicated to all AMPs" and then joined. Did you check DBQL if this step is actually consuming too much resources? Dieter
View ArticleALTER TABLE Failed [9478] Table must be column partitioned - forum topic by...
Hello everyone, I am trying to change the datatype of a column. My statment: ALTER TABLE DWBATCHDEV.DBQLSTEPTBL_HST ADD COLUMN (StepStartTime TIMESTAMP(6) FORMAT 'YYYY-MM-DDBHH:MI:SS.S(F)Z'); Not...
View ArticleSelect statements to get metadata - response (1) by Qaisar Aftab Kiani
That is a lot of information for a single post :) Anyways, Teradata maintains quite a detailed information about its objects (databases, tables, views, columns, datatypes etc). You can start with dbc...
View ArticleALTER TABLE Failed [9478] Table must be column partitioned - response (1) by...
Remove the COLUMN, your query is trying to add a column to a columnar table. Dieter
View ArticleSelect statements to get metadata - response (2) by dnoeth
Seems you use .NET Data Provider. Most of the data should be easily retrieved using the built-in functionality. The reference is found at:...
View ArticleSQL Workaround - response (2) by kelvsdotph
Hi dieter, The BIG table had 500m records and the small one had 48m. The DBQL shows high CPU Impact, skewness and spool usage. BTW I was told that our systrm is sitting on 680 AMPs.
View ArticleHow to get the name of a table from an Insert, Update or Delete SQL without...
Hello TD experts, Is there a way to obtain the table used in a JDBC Insert, Update or Delete SQL without parsing out the table name from the actual SQL itself? The best approach I have found (very...
View ArticleSQL Workaround - response (3) by Raja_KT
Hi, Just my small cents :) Yes , I do agree a JI will hamper the insert performance. I see that a single table JI can help a little. How about partitioning a huge table? It is just my thought. Thanks...
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