Hi all;
We're working on adding a driver to our AutoTag product for Teradata. To do so we need to pull down the metadata from the database. We do all this in C#. Can you please tell me how to:
- Do you support DbProviderFactory.CreateDataSourceEnumerator()?
- For a given server, get all databases.
Get all tables & views. For each table & view get:
- schema
- name
- description
- system or user
- columns in the table/view
For each column get:
- name
- description
- type
- If a foreign key, the schema.table.column of the primary key.
For each stored procedure get:
- schema
- name
- description
- system or user
- return type
- parameters
For each parameter get:
- name
- type
- data length
- hasDefault
- direction
- How to perform a select with the equivilent of "skip 100, take 50" which returns rows 101 - 150 of a given select.
- How to return the value of an auto-generated primary key when a row is added to the DB.
- What syntax does Teradata prefer for parameters in a select (Sql Server wants @param, Oracle wants :param, etc)?
- A list of all keywords in the SQL syntax.
thanks - dave