Compression - BLC and MVC - response (2) by SmarakDas
Hello Dieter, As this Post concerns BLC, I have a few Questions on BLC:(a) Is there any way through which I can recognise which Tables have BLC applied. Our DBS Control Settings ensure the BLC...
View ArticleExtracting Domain Names from EMAIL_TXT Field - response (2) by venkylingutla
Hi, Try the below. I hope it will give you expected result sel emialtext,substr(emailtext,index(emailtext,'.')) from sch.table where emailtext like '%.%' Venkat
View ArticleHadoop Online Training in India by real time Expert - forum topic by rehanunicom
Hi, UNICOM is conducting Hadoop Online training Batch from 31st August 2013. This training will help you to understand Big Data Hadoop Ecosystem and will give hands on trainings. We also provide...
View ArticlePMP Online Training by Expert - forum topic by rehanunicom
Hi, UNICOM is starting new PMP Online Training Batch from 7th September 2013. Anyone who is interested please drop a mail at or you can give us a call at 080...
View ArticleCollect stats with DML statements in Informatica - response (1) by...
Hi Experts, Your thoughts on the below pls.
View ArticlePropagate row data until next date is encountered - response (10) by Harry...
Found it. Table travel_cum_os_reserves had some duplicate event_dt values within clm_bnft_cse_id due to the way the incoming detail data was ordered. Gave up on figuring out the order and added a...
View ArticleNot getting expected results through time(6) - forum topic by Nishant.Bhardwaj
hi Experts, Not getting the expected results by using time(6) datatype for one of a column. We expect the output to be as HH:MM:SS.S(6) but the fraction part is not coming through this I tried in...
View ArticleNot getting expected results through time(6) - response (1) by dnoeth
Hi Nishant, do a SELECT FORMAT(table.timecol) or a SHOW/HELP TABLE to check if it's actually a TIME and no INTEGER (based on some settings ODBC might replace TIME with INT) Dieter
View ArticleCollect stats with DML statements in Informatica - response (2) by dnoeth
Hi Nishant, when BT/ET is used the session is running in Teradata mode. So each request is a standalone transaction unless you use BT/ET. If it's actually BT;COLLECT STATS;ET; you might simple remove...
View ArticleBig table - very big table join - forum topic by debu_ju
Hi All, I have a performance issue with a query. Below is the sample query where sales table does not have any index on cust_ky, but rep has cust_ky as a NUPI. Volume of rep is about 13 million and...
View ArticleVTT vs GTT - response (5) by td_begnr
i have a question, if VTTs are only session specific, if I create it and load data to it, will another user be able to access the table?
View ArticleHow Can User Change Password? - forum topic by usmans
Hi All, For a user to be able to change a password of his own user or another user, he must have "Drop User" access on that particular user. Yesterday, however, a user (and I have rechecked this) did...
View ArticleIs this the casting error? - forum topic by prateek.saxena
Hi, I am trying to write some SAS codes in Teradata. There is one condition in my code : avg_depth>0 So, the thing is when I am removing this condition from SAS and Teradata, the results are exact...
View ArticleVTT vs GTT - response (6) by dnoeth
Well, a VTT is local to your session and other users are connected to different sessions...... ehm... no Dieter
View ArticleBig table - very big table join - response (1) by dnoeth
Hi Debu, #1: if there are statistics on the join columns you should trust the optimizer to pick the best plan #2: no, Teradata rarely uses SIs for joins (unless it's a very small subset of the data)...
View ArticleDBC maintenance - response (1) by dnoeth
AFAIK there are no "official" standard scripts (but when you ask your Teradata PS they can probably provide you with some). The process is similar to DBQL when you want to keep a history: move the data...
View ArticleShared database model architecture and Unshared database model architecture -...
Can you please tell atleast few instances where shared database model architecture (DB2 or Oracle) can outperform and Unshared database model architecture(teradata)?Forums: Database
View ArticleDBC maintenance - response (2) by SHF
Thank you Dieter for your reply. Appreciate it and I always look forward to your expert advice on other threads as well. We are on 13.00 Appliance. So, once these scripts are there, what is the...
View ArticleInvalid session mode error for Store Procedure - forum topic by terankit
Hi, Need an urgent help. I am trying to create a SP in Tera mode but it is giving Invalid Session mode error. When I am creating the SP with ANSI mode it is getting created, but while executing the SP...
View ArticleInvalid session mode error for Store Procedure - response (1) by dnoeth
A SP must be executed in the same session mode used during creation. You can set the session mode explicitly, e.g. BTEQ -> .SET SESSION TRANSACTION BTET/ANSI" ODBC -> Options .NET -> Advanced...
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