How do i write qualify rank() over (partition.....question - response (1) by...
What do you mean by "convert it to informatica"? Can't you simply use it as is against Teradata? Rank is available in most DBMSes, the proprietary QUALIFY has to replaced by a Derived Table/Inline View...
View ArticleDetermine Average Count by Day of Week - response (3) by ulrich
As you see here you need to be very precise in the desciption of your problem as you might get different results. The main difference in the two solutions from Dieter and me is that Dieter is counting...
View ArticleHow do i write qualify rank() over (partition.....question - response (2) by...
Hi Dieter, thanks a lot for your response.. Actually i need a function for qualify rank() over (partition.....question in INFORMIX, a function which is now RANK in TERADATA, i need a similar function...
View ArticleTeradata Lock in Insert Statement - topic by asarkar
Hi, I am new to teradata. I have a doubt regarding Teradata lock. Consider below Scenario, one insert Statement after a BT statement in SESSION 1 without any ET . SESSION 1: BT; INSERT INTO...
View Articlerestoring tables from older TD releases deliver strange messages - topic by...
Hello, because of business reasons I had to restore some old data. The restore ran fine, but delivered some strange messages, as read more
View Articlerestoring tables from older TD releases deliver strange messages - response...
This thread might explain the what and why. I found the script in /opt/teradata/tdat/tdbms/ so it might...
View ArticleHow do i write qualify rank() over (partition.....question - response (3) by...
Seems like Infomix desn't support OLAP functions, yet. You can rewrite it using old style SQL, but performance will be horrible: select rank() over (partition by a order by b) as rnk from tab qualify...
View ArticleManipulation done on PI - topic by teradatauser2
Say i have a table with PI on col1 and col2. I have a join condition like : table1 A LEFT OUTER JOIN table2 H ON A.col1 = ( CASE WHEN H.col1 LIKE 'X%' OR H.col1 IS NULL THEN 'NO NUMBER' ELSE...
View ArticleHow do i write qualify rank() over (partition.....question - response (4) by...
Thanks very much dieter...:) :)
View ArticleManipulation done on PI - response (1) by dnoeth
You're correct, when you do a calculation on the PI column the value might change resulting in the need to redistribute based on the new hash. When you move the calculation into a Derived Table you...
View ArticleOreplace limitation - response (2) by teradatauser2
I am getting error : Error is happening in SQL execution. Statement 1: SELECT Failed. 3577: Row size or Sort Key size overflow.
View ArticleOreplace limitation - response (3) by ulrich
From the manual: 3577 Row size or Sort Key size overflow. Explanation: The user request generated a row of data or a sort key that exceeded internal Teradata database limitations (presently about...
View ArticleRange of values in single row to multiple rows - topic by Ashok.Pentapati
Hi All, Can someone help me how can we implement below scenario in Teradata? Input ----- read more
View ArticleRange of values in single row to multiple rows - response (1) by dnoeth
Hi Ashok, join using between: select day_of_calendar as AGE, AGE_CLASS_ID, AGE_CLASS_DESC from tab where AGE between fromval and tovalDieter
View ArticleRange of values in single row to multiple rows - response (2) by Ashok.Pentapati
Thanks a lot Dieter.You are awesome :) Cheers, Ashok.
View ArticleTeradata Lock in Insert Statement - response (1) by dnoeth
There are two lock levels in Teradata: table: sessions block each other hash: sessions can do transactions simultaniously unless they try to access the same RowHash (e.g. use the same PI values) or...
View ArticleHelp Needed in Query Optimization - response (1) by dnoeth
PI/SI (DDL) and stats information/row counts would be helpfull. This query accesses views with some additional logic/conditions in it. You should show those views, too. The COALESCE is stupid, it will...
View ArticleObtaining DDL Information From The System Tables - response (2) by rajeev...
So the only way to comapre the DDLs across different servers is to manually obtain the DDl for each table in the database on each of the servers and comapre them manually ? Is there simpler less time...
View ArticleDetermine Average Count by Day of Week - response (4) by mattie4
This works great. Thank you for the explanation. How would you order the days of week like Sunday, Monday, Tuesday etc?
View ArticleHelp required in querying dbc tables - response (2) by vijaypvhk
Thanks pawan. I was able to do like that which gives me rough estimates. I am still wondering if any dbc.tables would be helpful as it is partitioned.
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