Timestamp format not working to get the two digit year - response (9) by...
Hi SK RAFI, One of the way to do it using OLAP function. Following query would help you to understand the same. May be you can write a recursive or stored procedure to meet your requirements on top of...
View ArticleEnabling ALC, Pros and cons - response (4) by simhadrijk
By default you should be able to create columns with compression. PLease check with your DBA once, he should be helpful to you in resolving it on your TD settings.
View ArticleQuery to find tables with no stats defined/old statistics - response (6) by...
Hi Dieter, Yesterday, I got those attachments in http://developer.teradata.com/node/9598, thanks for that, also it looks like sites are back to normal. The other day, I was trying to put comment on...
View Articlehow to create a user, database and table in sql assistant? - response (2) by...
Hi there :) Thanks for the links. The point is not only create user but actually one grant. Typical grant to select on dbc.users is not that simple thing to do. Whole DBC.USERS read is somehow...
View ArticleGrant select on DBC.USERS for typicall user. - response (1) by dnoeth
Hi Wookie, dbc.UsersV is a restricted view but without the X. You should use dbc.DatabasesV which holds both databases and users, there's a DBKind column indicating 'D' or 'U'. Dieter
View ArticleTimestamp format not working to get the two digit year - response (10) by skrafi
Its working @Thanks a lot Simhadri
View ArticleTimestamp format not working to get the two digit year - response (11) by skrafi
Its working @Thanks a lot Simhadri
View ArticleIs it good to creating SET table with UPI or NUPI and why..? - forum topic by...
Can you please help me to understand on SET tables having UPI and NUPI. What will be the difference between them. Thanks,Forums: Database
View ArticleTimestamp format not working to get the two digit year - response (12) by...
Hi SF Rafi, I belive you can get the similar Output using the Recursive Queries.. thanks! Nishant Bhardwaj
View ArticleRegarding the limitation of Derived table using With clause- - response (1)...
Hi all, I got my answer... Good news is that teradata 14 is providing the flexibility of using the 2 WITH clauses in SQL. Cheers ! Nishant
View ArticleSpace in the database - response (14) by rajeev saravanan
Hi All, Someone please help me in validating the two queries Thanks in advance Regards R.Rajeev
View ArticleIs it good to creating SET table with UPI or NUPI and why..? - response (2)...
Hi Its better to create a SET table with a UPI or enforce uniquness on atleast one of the columns if not on the PI columns. SET tables dont allow duplicates however if you are deifining a NUPI then it...
View ArticleTimestamp format not working to get the two digit year - response (13) by...
Hi Rafi, Yes, as Nishant pointed out an approach using recursive queries would be a more generic one here is an eaxmple- Assuming tb1 is the table containing data we need to make tb3 to rank the...
View ArticleBTEQ is not returning proper error code when run file is not present. -...
#!/usr/bin/ksh bteq <<-EOF .logmech ldap .logon xxxx/xxxxxxxx,xxxxx .set width 4000; .set underline off; .set titledashes off; .set heading ''; .set timemsg query; .set maxerror=1 .run file...
View ArticleIs it good to creating SET table with UPI or NUPI and why..? - response (3)...
SET table with UPI is always better because it enforces the uniquencess of the data in turn it ensures that data is distributed across AMPS evenly. A evenly distributed data improves the performance of...
View ArticleHow to install Teradata Express on Windows 7 64 bit machine? - response (2)...
VMServer or VMplayer can be directly downloaded from VMWare website, and install them on your laptop, but you need to first register yourself on VMWare website. Also, to activate links for Teradata...
View ArticleUnique primary key voilation Error - forum topic by MBR
Hi, i am facing the issue with Unique constraint voilation Error, can anyone tell me how to resolve it ThanksForums: Database
View Articlehow to create a user, database and table in sql assistant? - response (4) by...
Lol my mistake with the earlier answer. I had allready created user by using script similar to generated from Teradata Administrator. The ony questions are:GRANTALLON user_TEST to SysDBA2...
View ArticleGrant select on DBC.USERS for typicall user. - response (4) by wicik
Hi there, Thanks for your answer. Well till now I have used dbc.databases but this table does not have information about user profile and others which dbc.users have. But thanks anyway :) Typical...
View ArticleLENGTH() function in bteq - forum topic by MBR
Hi, can anyone tell me what is the equalent function to use in BTEQ instead of LENGTH(col) i am getting error while running the script through bteq, i have used LENGTH() function inside the script so...
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