Can we access a table from SQL UDF in TD 14? - topic by mani.atkuri
Hello, We are trying to create a SQL Udf .It should access the table. For example, like below CREATE FUNCTION SYSLIB.INCLUDE (RLS CHAR(1)) RETURNS VARCHAR(90) LANGUAGE SQL CONTAINS SQL DETERMINISTIC...
View ArticleERROR 3070 when creating a table - response (6) by Qaisar Aftab Kiani
First of all you need to take out the AS keywords before the data type name. Secondly VARCHAR(MAX) is not a datatype - you need to mention some numeric value instead of MAX. Something like this will...
View ArticleHow to Split Column - response (1) by Wasif.Kabeer
Assuming that you are following a standard convention for splitting your address details (say separated by a comma: ","). CREATE TABLE test ( col1 VARCHAR(500) ) ; INSERT INTO test VALUES('House#1,...
View ArticleInsert multiple rows in single statement - response (3) by Qaisar Aftab Kiani
Teradata database manaul should give you enough information to understand these options in more detail. Did you try looking there?
View ArticleSQL Parser - response (1) by suhailmemon84
Hi, We have a requirement where I need to find what percentage of queries are querying recent data vs the percentage of queries that are querying historical data. I went on google to find any sqlparser...
View Articleparse sqltextinfo column in dbc.dbqlsqltbl - topic by suhailmemon84
Hi, Has anyone parsed the sqltextinfo column of dbc.dbqlsqltbl? I have a requirement where I need to do analysis of what kind of sqls are running on our production system. We do have querybanding, but...
View Articleparse sqltextinfo column in dbc.dbqlsqltbl - response (2) by sachin.sebastian
It would be easier to export the QueryID, SqlTextInfo into a file; and then use grep/ awk in Unix to extract in the required format.
View ArticleSQL Parser - response (2) by sachin.sebastian
Suhail, It would be easier to export the required columns from dbc.dbqlsqltbl into a file; and then use grep /awk in Unix to extract in the required format.
View ArticleCreating a recursive script to handle Oracle script - response (1) by Adeel...
Hi, Instead of keeping it recursive, you should better change the logic to sequencial and then implement it .... it will have much better performance that way. Regards, Adeel
View ArticleCan we access a table from SQL UDF in TD 14? - response (1) by Adeel Chaudhry
Are you converting fuctions from other RDBM (e.g SQL Server) to Teradata? What will be the use of this fuction? Regards, Adeel
View ArticleCan we access a table from SQL UDF in TD 14? - response (2) by ToddAWalter
A SQL UDF is only allowed to perform an expression and return the result. A Select is not allowed in a SQL UDF.
View ArticleCASE statement inside Store Procedure - topic by JoeL 312
I have an insert statement: INSERT INTO tbl1 (Col1) SELECT CASE WHEN Col1 = 'a' THEN 'TRUE' ELSE 'FALSE' END FROM tbl2; This works as expected. For every row in tbl2, 1 row...
View ArticleCASE statement inside Store Procedure - response (1) by Qaisar Aftab Kiani
You will see this error normally when the SQL statement in the SP are not terminated with semicolon. Can you share the table ddl alongwith the SP definition to have a look as what could be missing....
View ArticleStored Procedure Input Parameter Problem - topic by goldminer
I have created a basic stored procedure whose parameters are defined as: REPLACE PROCEDURE STORED_PROCS.SP_UPDATE_SAP_CTRL_TABLE read more
View ArticleConvert integer to TIME - response (11) by ocirej23
Hi, I think this will work: SELECT CAST(TRIM(CAST(1256 AS CHAR(4))||'00') AS TIME(0) FORMAT 'HHMISS'); Output: ----------- 12:56:00 HTH Cheers, Eco
View ArticleFORMAT symbol - response (1) by tdice
i also want to know about this formatting symbol meaning. Any help?
View ArticleHow to extract column names from a table using Teradata SQL - response (2) by...
Could you plz tell me how to create nickname for a database in teradata
View ArticleFORMAT symbol - response (2) by rajeev saravanan
Hi, Hope this helps I - Represents the number of characters needed to display the INTEGER portion of numeric data. In the case of a DEC(10,2) data type, I is equivalent to 9(8). N - Represents FULL...
View ArticleHow to extract column names from a table using Teradata SQL - response (3) by...
You can create the alias names for the tables/views in SQL statement but not for the database...
View Articlesubstring() on huge text column - topic by hpscheepers
Hi I tried searching the forums, but I cannot find the "search" option on the site. My problem: I am using Teradata v13 and I need to do a substring on a huge text column. The table DBC.DBQLSqlTbl has...
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