deleted a table - response (4) by AshishPatil
hi dieter, I am new to TD. I would like to extend this thread... as i got the questions now. As we have flashback recovery options in oracle to recover tha dropped tables similirly do we have...
View ArticlePivot Data by Month - response (2) by mattie4
Ulrich, The State_IND just has the State abbreviation i.e. AL, TN. When i pasted it, it included 1, 2 etc, which is not part of the field. The source table only contains the CMTMT_Date and does...
View ArticleTD 14 Columnar data organization.. - topic by Cvinodh
Hi all, I have small doubt regarding Teradata Columnar feature consider a column partitioned table with three column partitions C1,C2 and C3. The table has say a billion rows. is a datablock allowed...
View ArticleHow to convert unicode russian string to it's hexadecimal representation? -...
Hi, All. I have TD database with tables with columns like "VARCHAR(1024) CHARACTER SET UNICODE NOT CASESPECIFIC". The columns contains russian string data (like "", "", etc..). I use SQL Assistant with...
View ArticleHow to convert unicode russian string to it's hexadecimal representation? -...
select _UNICODE '0414043E0433043E0432043E0440'XCV converts unicode_hex->rus_string, but i need vice versa: rus_string->unicode_hex
View ArticleHow to convert unicode russian string to it's hexadecimal representation? -...
Well... founded: SELECT CHAR2HEXINT('')
View Article2616: Numeric overflow occurred During computation - response (2) by...
Hi Juan, Found out which column was creating problem?
View Article2616: Numeric overflow occurred During computation - response (3) by...
Hi Juan, This error will occur in Numerical data types(BYTEINT,SMALLINT,INT,BIGINT,DECIMAL(T,D)), So please check you numeric data types are matching and returing value with in the specific...
View ArticleReplace Function - topic by Prabhu_Teradata
Hi, Need Help on Replace Function Senario: There is column with Value: Text1 , Text2 , Text3; Need to Replace it as Text1 Text2 Text3 Other Information: 1. OREPLACE function is not...
View ArticlePivot Data by Month - response (3) by ulrich
still no ddl and inserts... but in this case it should be simply Select state_ind, sum(State_Count ), max(Total ), max(case when Month_ = 'July' then State_Count else...
View ArticleGet the previous row's column Value - topic by gv
Hello All, I have got source data in following way: Col_1 | Col_2 100 | 2000 100 | 3000 100 | 4000 300 | 5000 300 | 6000 300 | 7000 I need to generate an extra column as Col_3 (based upon Col_2) where...
View ArticleGet the previous row's column Value - response (1) by dnoeth
select coalesce(min(col_2) over (partition by col_1 order by col_2 rows between 1 preceding and 1 preceding), 0) Dieter
View ArticleReplace Function - response (1) by QAKiani
If you dont have the UDFs installed then try the recursive SQL. It should solve your problem.
View ArticleO2T Column Switch to Row - topic by flywolf1949
Hi : There is one Oracle user define function, the function is Column switch to Row, example-- Select col1 from test Col1 -------------------------- 1 2 3 4 Select strcat(col1) from test read more
View ArticleRE:performance tuning for query with 27 left joins - response (9) by sumank
Hi ulrich, Can u Please help me how to get the CPU I/O details by using qrylog and qrysql tables with sql txt. I want report everyday to client.
View ArticleRE:performance tuning for query with 27 left joins - response (10) by sumank
Hi Ulrich, Can u please provide me the sql for Bad Quries.
View ArticleOracle UDF Functions on Version 13.10 and upgrade to Teradata Version 14 -...
Hi, I am working on a project where some SQL generated by a client application has to be run against both an Oracle and Teradata database. We are currently working on Teradata 13.10 database. So, I...
View ArticleGet the next partition - topic by eejimkos
Hello, If we have one ,for example , small table of two columns,where is partitioned on the second column (on a date field by each month), and we want to get the values from the next partition...
View ArticleCreate a table with a date column that has a default - topic by boxerdog
Hi all, No amount of google searching or manual reading has led me to the solution to this problem: I would like to create a table that has a column that is a date. I want said column to have a...
View ArticleQuestion about using stored procedures to do inserts and updates - topic by...
Hi Everybody!!! I am trying to put togeather a stored procedure that will update exsisting records or insert a new record when appropriate. Any suggestions on how to do this would be greatly...
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