how to logon to bteq - response (12) by pravenkat9
Hi cheeli, There are two modes you can login through Bteq. Interactive mode - .logon localtd/tduser <press enter> Passoword: <tduser> Note: tduser is the default userid created along with...
View ArticleHow to lock set of tables used by Particular Session (Session Level...
Is it possible to lock the tables used in the session with below statements for reading and writing and maintain integrity at session level? LOCK Table table1 for WRITE; LOCK Table table2 for WRITE;...
View ArticleSkewness of SPs in Teradata - topic by Kishore_1
What is the skewness of a stored procedure in Teradata? I am getting the Skew factor close to 100 (~99) for SPs in Teradata. The database only contains SPs.Is it that SPs are stored AMP local and...
View ArticleWhat is dynamic sql - response (5) by kuntal.h.shah
Hi, I am using dynamic SQL to do the update. I face difficulty when I want to filter my query using any string. For example - where attribute1 = 'ABC' - It doesn't allow that and consider ABC as a...
View ArticleSkew Factor of Input and Output Tables of a Query - topic by nyemul
Hi Question) Is it a a good idea to identify skew factor of input tables of a query before executing the same, especially for large data? Question) If yes what is threshold beyond which skew factor is...
View ArticleWhat is dynamic sql - response (6) by Harpreet Singh
use two single quote on each side as below =''ABC'' HTH Harpreet
View ArticleTeradata connectivity to Jaspersoft iReport & server - response (1) by...
You can use use Teradata JDBC driver. have a look at Harpreet
View ArticleSkew Factor of Input and Output Tables of a Query - response (1) by...
Hope only the skewfactor of target tables needs to be considered, bcoz it is where the data distribution is going to happen. cardinality of the source data for target table primary index column /...
View ArticleReport generating with dynamic SQL - topic by Malleshkr
Hi, I have a scenario, where i need to generate report based on Logic on date. Am running my report on Tuesday of every week. And pull all the details for the last week. But have a problem when the...
View ArticleReport generating with dynamic SQL - response (1) by dnoeth
View ArticleCan someone please explain the below query in detail? - topic by barani_sachin
Please expalin in detail how exactly we are getting total size of the DB and the free space in the DB. Query used to find the free space. SELECT DATABASENAME,SUM(MAXPERM)/1073741824 AS TOTAL_SPACE,...
View ArticleReport generating with dynamic SQL - response (2) by Malleshkr
Dieter, Yes thats correct. It worked very well for me. But tweaked to get my final result as expected. BETWEEN CASE WHEN EXTRACT(DAY FROM CURRENT_DATE) >= 7 THEN (CURRENT_DATE -...
View ArticleFastload Lock Release without table recreate option - topic by TDUser2000
Hello All, I am on Teradata 13 version.I am looking for the options to release the fastload lock apart from dropping and creating the table . Can someone help me in releasing the fastload lock and i...
View ArticleVariable results from an sql statement - topic by spidermonk
Is there a way to assign a value to a variable inside a procedure with the results from an sql statement? EXAMPLE: read more
View ArticleCan someone please explain the below query in detail? - response (1) by...
You will get lot of interesting information in Teradata Administration manual chapter 4 Space. here is extract from chapter which tells about peek, current,max CURRENTPERM The total number of bytes...
View ArticleWhat is dynamic sql - response (7) by kuntal.h.shah
That Helped. Thanks. One more question, I need to pass string as parameter and need to use in WHERE clause. For example in a dynamic SQL, 'SELECT * FROM DBC.COLUMNS WHERE TABLENAME =' || TB1 || .. ;...
View ArticleMerge SQL Duplicate Key error - topic by dsaini
I have two identical tables. One I treat as stagging (stg) and second as production (pr). I get a daily file which I first fastload into the stg table and then use the merge command to push data over...
View ArticleWhat is dynamic sql - response (8) by Harpreet Singh
Use 'select * from dbc.columns where tablename = '''||TB1||''' ; ' Three ' single quotes before ||TB1 and similarly end HTH Harpreet
View ArticleTransposed multiple rows into one column and one row - topic by KS42982
Hi, I have 2 tables. One table with 1 column and multiple rows (say, 5) and another table is also with 1 column but can have only 1 row. I need to store all the rows of table 1 in the one column/row...
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