Skewness in nopi Table - topic by Jigar
Hi , I have table where loading data from flat files and all the tables appear to be skewed more than 95%. All these tables are no pi , Is there any way or reason why these tables would be skewed or...
View Article3706 Syntax error with select statement - response (6) by PrasannaDevi
Hi , I'm a newbie to Teradatae , tyring to fine tune this piece of code, but getting the 3706 error in Teradata. Here is the code,please help... SEL APPS_ABBOTT_CUSTOMER_ID, IC_ABBOTT_CUSTOMER_ID FROM...
View ArticleHow to find the associated tables or view in teradata? - response (8) by...
Hi All, I have similar task to do. With respect to this example, I would like to know the dependency of view V2 on view V1 and then on table LOT. Is there any way to find all references using one...
View ArticleSELECT Failed. 3504: Selected non-aggregate values must be part of the...
I think I understand why this error would occur, but I do not understand why it is occuring with my query. SELECT FIELD_1, FIELD_2, FIELD_3, FIELD_4, SUM(FIELD_5) AS CNT FROM TABLE...
View ArticleCompare strings in bteq statement, not in sql - response (3) by klnsreenivas
i need to check in BTEQ like Select length(Employee_Name) from Employee where Employee_id=155; but length is not working, is there any way to calculate the string length. Length is ODBC commend....
View ArticleWork around to simulate a variable Partition in RANGE_N - response (1) by ulrich
Can you provide a DDL and some test data as inserts? And explain with the given data your expected results.
View ArticleCompare strings in bteq statement, not in sql - response (4) by mohan.mscss
try with char(Employee_Name)...
View ArticleCheck row is Numeric or not - response (6) by mohan.mscss
try with reursive, hope it can help you with recursive r2(id, st, L, c, rstr) as ( sel id,str as st, char(st) as L, 1 as c, trim(case when position(substr(st,1,1) in...
View Articlecorresponding teradata query for a oracle query - response (4) by TeraSantos
What information does the "tvfields.MaxLength" column provide in the dbc.columns table ?
View ArticleEntity-Relation Model for Teradata Query - response (3) by Srividhya80_b
Hi how can we represent PI on the erwin tool if we select teradata for the database. when foing forward engineering how do we ensure that PIs are created and not PK. Regards Srividhya
View ArticleEntity-Relation Model for Teradata Query - response (4) by CarlosAL
Srividhya You must define both the PK and the PI on the 'Indexes' window for the table. You can define the PK and uncheck the 'generate' check box (forward engineering won't create it). Then you can...
View ArticleDo not insert a record into a table with a foreign key. - response (1) by...
>>"How can we fix error on Teradata?" Not using reserved words as column names? Cheers. Carlos.
View ArticleCan I activate a new TASM rule via SQL? - topic by TeraLab
All, I know that we can activate a state via store proc but I wanted to know whether we can activate the ruleset itself via any sql or commands at console?
View ArticleDo not insert a record into a table with a foreign key. - response (2) by...
Any time you get a 3610 error, it should be reported as a Teradata incident. It represents a fault in the database engine that should be identified and repaired.
View ArticleHow to install external UDF libraries on Hot Standby Node (HSN)? - response...
Thanks for the posts, somehow I suspect that the HSN did not work properly, because there was a kernel panic situation on the active node (our system has 2 NODEs, one of them is HSN), we will test HSN...
View Articlecorresponding teradata query for a oracle query - response (5) by Qaisar...
Tells the ColumnLength...
View ArticleSELECT Failed. 3504: Selected non-aggregate values must be part of the...
The syntax of your Group By Clause is not correct. There is a "." instead of "," in between 2 & 3. Replacing the "." with "," will make it work. GROUP BY 1,2,3,4
View ArticleHow to find the associated tables or view in teradata? - response (9) by...
If you are looking for something that returns you the dependency in some table format then unfortuantely nothing like this exists. But you can try SHOW QUALIFIED SELECT * FROM V2. This will return the...
View ArticleSQL to compare records (status change) in table - response (1) by gfuller40
I figured it out. select row_begin_dt, c_ams_clm, c_clm, c_sta_clm, -- Find the c_sta_clm of the previous row max(c_sta_clm) over (partition by c_clm order by row_begin_dt rows between 1 preceding...
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