USI in multiload - response (12) by cheeli
That is what I say a perfect answer, thank you Dieter.
View ArticleSelect Tables created in a previous months only - topic by terankit
Hi All, I need to get the list of the tables which were created in the last month only. Ex. If I run this query on 3rd November'12, it should give me the list of the tables created during 1st October...
View ArticleVolatile table trouble - response (1) by ulrich
IN has two different interpretations 1. LIST of values 2. Subquery You mix it which is not working. The best performance might (in case Orignl_Agent_AAA is not the PI of the VW_Pnr table) be achived...
View ArticleSelect Tables created in a previous months only - response (1) by ulrich
select (current_date - extract(day from current_Date)) as last_day _of_month, Add_months(last_day _of _month + 1,-1) as first_day _of _month;
View ArticleJDBC - create timestamp from LogonDate and LogonTime - response (2) by rcotten
Thank you... I think that has it working for me. I ended up having to provide a format but that is good. CAST(LogonDate AS TIMESTAMP(0) Format 'yyyy-mm-ddbhh:mi:ss) + CAST(TRIM(LogonTime) AS...
View ArticleSelect Tables created in a previous months only - response (2) by terankit
Thanks Ulrich. I have made a query as given below: SELECT DBNAME, TBLNAME, CAST(CREATTS AS DATE...
View ArticleNeed to convert UNICODE to LATIN - response (5) by jinli
not sure from where you concluded that. here literal-strings are being discussed. see -- select type(f01), type(f02) from (select coalesce(cast('yes' as varchar(10)), '') as f01, cast(coalesce('yes',...
View ArticleSelect Tables created in a previous months only - response (3) by ulrich
Use help table DBC.TABLES and fix your column names. Condition is correct
View ArticleSQL QUERY ( replacing characters and special characters in a string) - topic...
I have 3 columns phone1,phone2,phone3 which are char columns. my requirement is to concatenate these 3 columns and Remove Characters and Special Characters and replace with blank. if the values are...
View ArticleUpdate query - response (4) by n.kasthurirengan
Hi, Try the following shld work syntactically UPDATE A FROM test1 A, test2 B SET A.WK = B.PER_NO WHERE BETWEEN 1 AND 4 AND A.T_Date = B.T_Date + 7 AND A.T_DT > '2010-01-01'
View ArticleSelect Tables created in a previous months only - response (4) by mohan.mscss
Here it is.. SELECT databasename as DBNAME, tablename as TBLNAME, CAST(createtimestamp AS DATE FORMAT 'YYYY-MM-DD')(CHAR(10)) as CREATE_DATE FROM...
View ArticleOracle Replay feature in Teradata? - topic by sfhall
Is there a way to record Production SQL queries and workloads so that they can be replayed in another environment? Kind regards, Steven
View Articleteradata as a data source support openrowset - topic by memostone
Hi all, I'm new to teradata. Does teradata support openrowset queries? Thanks for reply.
View ArticleTemporal Macro / Dynamic SQL in a View - response (4) by sdmody1983
Nope. I want to parameterize the following clause: validtime as of date '2001-01-01'
View ArticleFlasback Facility - topic by sfhall
Is there an equivalent Oracle flashback facility within Teradata?
View ArticleLeft outer join with a NULL value - topic by Prabhakar Thangapandi
Hi, Can some one tell me, how to join 2 tables where one of my table join condition is having a null value. For example, i took some sample values and what i need is given below as output. read more
View ArticleMultiload data from a table to another - topic by aarsh.dave
Hi, For an upcoming project, I am required to pull data from a table on database A and load it into a table on database B. I used FASTLOAD in my scipt for this purpose. It works fine, but in case there...
View ArticleLeft outer join with a NULL value - response (1) by mohan.mscss
Here you go... sel la.*, lb.* from la left join lb on (coalesce(la.a,'(novalue)')=coalesce(lb.a,'(novalue)'))
View ArticleTrimming Inner Spaces - response (6) by mohan.mscss
Here is with recursive function.... Just change this 1234567890 as what we need to replace in a string with recursive r2(id, st, L, c, rstr) as ( sel id,str as st, char(st) as L, 1 as c, trim(case when...
View ArticleMultiload data from a table to another - response (1) by sin
Multiload behaviour is the same. To release lock in Multiload you can use command RELEASE MLOAD (I can't remember exactly command syntaxis now). Or you can run empty multyoad/fastload task - without...
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