Numeric Overflow Error - forum topic by abcreddy
Hello All, Below is my query which is giving the Numeric overflow error on execution. I ran the select query and identified that the column total_week_perc has some records of length 16 where as we...
View ArticleDelete or Drop a table if it already exists - response (18) by koushiksaha83
Hi Dnoeth, I tried using your code to in SQL assistance 12.0 but getting same error like others -"Expected something between 'and'& 'table'. Even after unchecking "Stop query execution if an SQL...
View Articlefind Percentage - response (1) by dnoeth
select apple, 100 * count(*) / sum(count(*)) over () from a group by apple
View ArticleDelete or Drop a table if it already exists - response (19) by dnoeth
Hi koushiksaha83, the article is called "What's new in Teradata SQL Assistant 13.10" and you're SQLA version is 12 :-)
View ArticleNumeric Overflow Error - response (1) by M.Saeed Khurram
Hi, What do you mean by records of length 16? is it a numeric or character value? Can you please provide a sample value ?
View Articlehelp required for a update scenario - response (1) by Qaisar Aftab Kiani
Did you try writing a SQL? If you are not getting the results then someone can lead you where you want to be after looking into the SQL...
View Articlehelp required for a update scenario - response (2) by sujiwarrier
I created a temp table to maintain the customer group information with a flag: temp_table cust_id flag C1 Y C2 N C3 N The below update query will work if customer C1 is present in...
View ArticleSyntax error: expected something between '(' and the 'current_date' keyword....
try, SELECT s22.wk_dt FROM attr_table s21 CROSS JOIN TIME s22 CROSS JOIN (SELECT day_of_week FROM sys_calendar.CALENDAR WHERE calendar_date = CURRENT_DATE) AS a WHERE (s21.DC_LOC_ID,s22.wk_dt) IN (SEL...
View Articlevproc types - response (1) by dnoeth
Hi Raja, may i know what is the 6th type? I thought there are only 5 :-) AMP, PE, GTW, RSG and TVS. Type 6 and 7 are currently not used.
View ArticleStoring result set as a variable in a procedure - response (4) by jmandkm
The loop is caused by the logic you have used. You are checking sqlcode, as you should, but you are checking the result of the insert not the fetch. Perform a single fetch before MainLoop, and move...
View Articlevproc types - response (3) by Raja_KT
Hi Dieter, The material: Node vproc: The node vproc handles PDE and operating system functions not directly related to AMP and PE work. Node vprocs cannot be externally manipulated, and do not appear...
View ArticleRESERVED WORDS: Query to identify reserved words in procedure - response (2)...
Hi Raja, Thanks, but i used to this practice in all the previous upgrades and thought to check is there any advanced feature in 14.10 to find out. Thanks, Reddy.
View ArticleRESERVED WORDS: Query to identify reserved words in procedure - response (3)...
Hi Reddy, You are welcome. Did you check in the forum , if someone has done similar task? I know it is painful if the volume is high. Good luck. Raja
View ArticleCollect stats doubt - response (7) by goldminer
I'm not sure if this applies to 14, but prior versions are a bit tricky when collecting multicolumn stats. The optimizer only looks at the first 16 bytes of data. For example, if I am collecting on...
View ArticleCollect stats doubt - response (8) by M.Saeed Khurram
Hi Goldminer, Thank you for sharing your thoughts, But this limitation has been eliminated in TD 14. Now the multicolumn stats are not truncated :)
View ArticleSyntax error: expected something between '(' and the 'current_date' keyword....
above below function is working fine for all the week days, but it is not working on Monday. My req is when my query run in any day of week(Monday to Sunday) it will pull last week end date and my week...
View Articlehelp required for a update scenario - response (3) by sujiwarrier
Can anyone please help on above query ?
View ArticleFastLoad lock Type - forum topic by saurabhkamath
Does fastLoad apply Exclusive lock on target table ? If not what type of lock is applied ?Tags: fastloadlocklock typefastload lockfastload lock typeForums: Database
View Articlehelp required for a update scenario - response (4) by Qaisar Aftab Kiani
View ArticleSyntax error: expected something between '(' and the 'current_date' keyword....
Without looking at the data its difficult to understand what exactly is causing the issue. Share some sample data and expected output to better understand the problem in your query..
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