Get Most Current Date - response (3) by dnoeth
Hi Charles, simply add a PARTITION BY: qualify rank() over (PARTITION BY ACCT order by ORD_DUE_DT desc) = 1Dieter
View Articlesubstring or trim a text string up to a specific character - forum topic by...
I am trying to extract only parts of text strings that are of varying length but in each case I am trying to only get only the part of the string that preceeds a specific character. For example for...
View Articlesubstring or trim a text string up to a specific character - response (1) by...
SUBSTRING(col FROM 1 FOR POSITION('_' IN col) - 1)Dieter
View ArticleObtain a result from the diference between 2 timestamps - forum topic by awesome
Hi everybody, I want to obtain the diference between to timestamp fields Example: Timestamp field 1: '12:49:00' Timestamp Field 2: '12:51:15' Result must be: '00:02:15' (the time elapsed between the...
View ArticleDifference between the partition by syntax - forum topic by nileshbhaw
Hi, Please help me to understand what is the Difference between below query performance wise and which one will work faster PARTITION BY RANGE_N(YYMM_NUM BETWEEN 201301 AND 201312 EACH 1,...
View ArticleUpdate frequency of CurrentSpool in dbc.DiskSpace - response (6) by shail
Hi Dieter/TD Experts Could you please help me to understand TPT FAST EXP utility functionality. We got into PROD issue when DB performance was severly impacted and it was very slow in response. We are...
View ArticleTeradata Express for WIN 32 BIT - response (15) by deepikaabbaraju
Hi, Did any one of you got a similar link for teradata 14 download for windows OS. I want to try the latest feature teradata wallet on 14.
View ArticleObtain a result from the diference between 2 timestamps - response (1) by...
You can use the following query: SEL TIME '12:51:00' - INTERVAL '12:49:15' HOUR TO SECOND;
View ArticleLT,WT,ET,UV tables - response (19) by M.Saeed Khurram
You can read the basics about the TPT from the following, And the remaining three (MLOAD, FASTLOAD, TPUMP) processing protocols are covered in TPT as...
View Article3707 Syntax error,expected something like a '"||"'or a 'FROM' keyword between...
The following query is thorwing an error 3707 Syntax error,expected something like a name or a unicode delimited identifier or an UDFCALLNAME Keyword between ) and ; SELECT CASE WHEN NONFUNDED <= 0...
View ArticleReg: connecting to server - forum topic by chaitu_kanna
Hi, In my project I am using Teradata SQL Assistent, so there i want to connect to 2 different servers at a time, is this possible if so can any one help me on this. I just have read rights on...
View ArticleReg: connecting to server - response (1) by M.Saeed Khurram
Yes it is possible. Do the following to accomplish this: On SQLA go to Tools -> Options -> General. On General tab there is a checkbox "allow connections to multiple data sources" Check this...
View ArticleSpace in the database - response (16) by mapsiddiqui
Hi elanir2012, I believe your query should look like this: SELECT DATABASENAME , TABLENAME , SUM(CURRENTPERM)/1024/1024/1024 AS CURRENT_PERM , CAST (CAST (MAX (CURRENTPERM)*(HASHAMP()+1) AS FLOAT) /...
View ArticleLock row for access : In insert-Select - response (5) by FarhanArif
Locking Row for Access only works (locks only a limited number of rows in a table) when there is an equality condition on a UPI or NUPI in a WHERE clause. This is because it is generally a row hash...
View ArticleCalculating compound interest in SQL - forum topic by barryhull
I've been trying to figure out a way to calculate compound interest in SQL and I think that I can only do it using recursive SQL or actually return the rows using a cursor and calculate it in the...
View ArticleIssue with timestamp(6) - forum topic by ahtandon1983
Hi We moved to TD13.10 recently which grabs the milliseconds in a timestamp(6) field. Earlier the milliseconds were all zeros. This is causing an issue in one of our applications and we need to return...
View ArticleTrouble with timestamp(6) in TD 13.10 - forum topic by ahtandon
Hi We recently moved to TD13.10 and with it the timestamp(6) fields started collecting the milliseconds as well. Earlier the milliseconds were being recorded as zeros. This is causing an issue with...
View ArticleTeradata Express Database for Windows - forum topic by Santanu84
Is Teradata Database Express windows version still available to download in local machine to practice and hands on or it has been obsolete? Because I can find TD Express VMware version but not any...
View ArticleOracle "REPLACE" function equivalant function in Teradata - response (8) by...
A recursive implementation to replace multiple occurences of a search string with a replacement string in a column - For 13.0/13.1; if you have Teradata 14.0 use OREPLACE. We will try to replace all...
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