Titile Stacking? - response (4) by msk.khurram
My apologies, I just passed through a teradata documentation and came to know that Title Stacking occurs only in BTEQ. In SQL Assistant it occures only due to column width. If we expand the column...
View ArticleHow to calculate moving sums within variable size windows? - response (2) by...
Ulrich? Dieter? Anyone?
View ArticleLeading Spaces in answer set in SQLA - forum topic by sharib hussain
Hello All, I have created a dummy table and inserted one record in that table. When i simply select that record it gives me unwanted leading space in the answer set. CREATE TABLE dummy (a INTEGER);...
View ArticleDeleting duplicate rows in multiset table - response (7) by umitk
View ArticleSpecial Characters in Teradata - forum topic by rtakle_d
We are facing an urgent problem where we need to find out the special characters in a Teradata column. Do you know how can we find it? The special character can be smiley/@#$%^&*/any winding font...
View ArticleSpecial Characters in Teradata - response (1) by rtakle_d
We are facing an urgent problem where we need to find out the special characters in a Teradata column. Do you know how can we find it? The special character can be smiley/@#$%^&*/any winding font...
View Articleerror handiling in bteq error - forum topic by bhawuk
hi i am trying to write a bteq script which executes some select statements and exports the result to a text file on my system running on windows here is the script .logtable SAMPLES.bteqexportLog;...
View ArticleCreating Group ID from SUM Limit - response (2) by saraider99
I was thinking I may be able to get away with simply distributing the records evenly based on an average or other distribution key. If I had data such as below I would want to distribute them into...
View ArticleSelect Failed: 3504: Selected non_aggregate values must be part of the...
I have 2 subselects in my query. The 2nd subselect is giving me this problem. I have tried multiple group by and I continue to get this error. The SQL is below. Thank you in advance for your help....
View ArticleENCODING Error in Teradata v14 - forum topic by aarsh.dave
Hi, I need to convert hexadecimal value to a decimal value. FOr that purpose, I have created the following query.SELECT ZEROIFNULL(CAST(FROM_BYTES( TO_BYTES('0' || SUBSTR(col_a...
View ArticleENCODING Error in Teradata v14 - response (1) by aarsh.dave
Additionally, the database on which it fails has the below characteristics: RELEASE VERSION LANGUAGE SUPPORT MODE Standard The database on which it works has the below...
View ArticleCreating Group ID from SUM Limit - response (3) by ToddAWalter
Change your running sum to order on QtySold. Join that result to SELECT SUM(QtySold) AS GrandTotal FROM Prod_List. Replace your CASE expression with (running/GrandTotal) DIV <#of buckets you...
View ArticleNeed Analytical window query help - forum topic by Rakesh71
Hi All, I have the below requirement. Incoming data ID Status Start Date 1 Active 7-Aug 1 Suspended 8-Aug 1 Active 9-Aug 1 Active 10-Aug...
View ArticleCreating Group ID from SUM Limit - response (4) by saraider99
I tried to construct the query you recommended but when i ran it with over a hundred products it created almost as many buckets and didnt stick to the number of buckets i had wanted. I created another...
View ArticleLeading Spaces in answer set in SQLA - response (1) by barani_sachin
Hi, I have ran the same query in my machine i am not getting any leading space. My version is TD14.
View ArticleLeading Spaces in answer set in SQLA - response (2) by msk.khurram
Hi, As Integer ranges from -2147483648 to +2147483647, So it needs 10 characters for digits and1 for sign. By default when you convert an integer to characters it is right justfied inside character...
View ArticleSelect Failed: 3504: Selected non_aggregate values must be part of the...
In fact you are using aggregate function in you query and forgot to use group by clause for non aggregate columns. for example for the following part of your query the group by is missing: --...
View ArticleLeading Spaces in answer set in SQLA - response (3) by barani_sachin
He is already using the function to_char for which the output will be in characters rite? I think it has to be some other issue not the casting i guess.
View ArticleLeading Spaces in answer set in SQLA - response (4) by msk.khurram
Hi Barani, You are right the output will be in character using TO_CHAR, But upto my knowledge the to_char do not perform in implicit truncation while CAST perofrms imiplicit truncation and removes...
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