Locking Within Stored Procedure - forum topic by TDUser2011
We are trying to put exclusive lock at row level in a stored procude within a BT and ET so the expected fuctionality should be that it should prevent any other connection access to that particular row...
View ArticleCombining multiple rows into a single row - response (2) by wayneoon
Thanks Todd! It helps to push me to the correct direction. Some more work ahead but at least I can progress now. Thanks again.
View ArticleRefreshing View? - response (4) by barani_sachin
Thanks Todd for your time :-) Why i had this confusion is, that the view will be materialised only during the actual usage right? So my understanding was the exact query which i used to create a view...
View ArticleMigrating From Oracle To Teradata Help With DDL Generation - response (4) by...
You can use AquaFold Inc. IDE Aqua Data Studio's ER Diagram Generator to generate your Oracle ER Model. Then use the Convert Model Feature which will map your Oracle Table DDL to Teradata DDL.
View ArticleMigrating From Oracle To Teradata Help With DDL Generation - response (6) by...
Hi Saravanan, From my work experience of 6 years in Oracle and 7 years in Teradata, I feel that you can do it manually since client is constraining you from tool overhead. In addition, doing it...
View Articlevolatile table as select..with data - not loading data - response (13) by dnoeth
Did you read the thread? Just add ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS, as the default is ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS. Dieter
View ArticleRefreshing View? - response (5) by dnoeth
Do a SHOW QUALIFIED SELECT * FROM view and you'll see what source code actually stored. Dieter
View ArticleLocking Within Stored Procedure - response (1) by dnoeth
I don't know why it doesn't work as expected, but you should check if t's possible to change your code to get rid of the BT/ET: BEGIN REQUEST; SELECT col2 FROM table1 WHERE col1 = 1; UPDATE table1 SET...
View ArticleMax No Of teradata Connections - response (1) by CarlosAL
You can add PE vprocs. There can be more than one PE per node. Cheers. Carlos.
View Articlevolatile table as select..with data - not loading data - response (14) by...
Dieter and Abhijit Thanks. I did read the thread but I guess I missundersttod the error and asked the Wrong question. Query Line 17:AND RP.REGIS_DATETM BETWEEN (CURRENT_DATE -7) and CURRENT_DATE It...
View Articlevolatile table as select..with data - not loading data - response (15) by...
View ArticleCollect stats with DML statements in Informatica - forum topic by...
Hi All, May I have your suggestions in below- In informatica , in sql transformation below code is written --> BT collect stats on table_1; ET; Delete from table_2; UPdate table_2 from...
View Articlevolatile table as select..with data - not loading data - response (16) by...
Oh, Barani I removed that statement but I still have the same issue Create Table Failed 3706 Syntax Error:expected something between the word "RP" and ".". and I have no idea @ what line # create table...
View Articlevolatile table as select..with data - not loading data - response (17) by...
I tried creating a table that didn't work, then I try updating a Table that didn't work. Teradata VS Oracle very different. Please some help as I am lost No Syntax is working. UPDATE temp1 SET...
View Articlevolatile table as select..with data - not loading data - response (18) by...
View Articlevolatile table as select..with data - not loading data - response (19) by...
Hi, From what i see and understood from the query is that You want to Join the Temp1 table & SOmetable with date. Please find the modified query, You are selecting 2 columns from the SOmetable and...
View Articlevolatile table as select..with data - not loading data - response (20) by...
Hi, The modified update query is this, You are actually joining the Update table with the Source table. When you actually update an table, the table itself joined. Usually Inner join. UPDATE temp1...
View ArticleCASE Statement -- CASE - response (2) by Adharssh
Hi Jackson, Your query is that. You are having an Table with column as A and i am having Sample like this,'0 ','ABC','DEF',etc. I should get the output as NULL,ABC,DEF. Either the Zeros should be...
View ArticleLike Operator in Teradata - response (5) by Adharssh
Hi Dieter, I didn't post the question. I just replied saying we can use TRIM. Very valuable information about the dbc.columnsV & dbc.columnsVX. I am actually working in TD 13. When i see tables...
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