Cross tab - Pivot - response (7) by elvicio
Thank you Deiter. I do understand, but I need to keep my counts in a single row for all the tables for history audits. The ideal solution is if i can convert the following MSSQL server code to Teradata:
View ArticleCross tab - Pivot - response (8) by elvicio
SET NOCOUNT ON; CREATE TABLE #temp( [table1] [int] NULL, [table2] [int] NULL, [table3] [int] NULL, [table4] [int] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] INSERT #temp SELECT [table1] , [table2] , [table3] , [table4]...
View ArticleCross tab - Pivot - response (9) by elvicio
Sorry, I couldn't put everything in one post. From here I just insert to Count_History from #temp
View ArticleI want to separate the full name in two parts - response (2) by Glass
View ArticleModify the partition - response (2) by Kbos
Dixxie, thanks so much for your response :) it worked :)
View ArticleDBQL Metrics - response (5) by sg186048
Hi, Can you guys please explain , why in the calculation of PJI and UII we multiply AmpCpuTime by 1000 Thanks Sandesh
View ArticleI want to separate the full name in two parts - response (3) by VandeBergB
New Example: Elvis Vande Berg.... This problem is simple at first glance, but you need to check for the number of spaces etc.. to effectively pull this off otherwise you contact your "customer" as...
View ArticleAmp CPU time and query optimization - response (3) by sg186048
Hi Dnoeth, Can you please explain why in the calculation of PJI and UII we multiply the AmpCpuTime by 1000? Thanks' Sandesh R Gitte
View ArticleAutomated Alter Table - forum topic by Litics
I’m trying to create a process which will take a Point-in-time / Snap Shot table and copy it into a Historical table. Inserting the records is not a problem but because we do not ‘own’ the table there...
View ArticleWhat's the quickest way to find out all the values under an attributes -...
We have SCHEMA NAME and VIEWS only. What would be a Quick Query to show COLUMN NAMES as well as DATATYPES from VIEWS. I can do Select * FROM SCHEMA.TABLENAMe but that bring VALUES. I am trying to do...
View ArticleI want to separate the full name in two parts - response (4) by Kbos
You may check the following link
View ArticleDBQL Metrics - response (6) by abhijitvyas
because they are based onCPU Milliseconds per I/OException criteria. An anticipated range of appropriate CPU milliseconds per I/O values to set typically varies between 3 and 10. A typical query...
View ArticleSQL for Current Year Starting and ending dates - response (1) by muthm
The most readable solution for me would probably be this:select cast( trim( extract( year from current_date ) ) || '-01-01' as DATE ) as first_day_of_year, cast( trim( extract( year from...
View ArticleSQL for last year starting and ending dates - response (1) by muthm
That would be very close to what I wrote to your question for THIS year's starting and ending date, just that you need to subtract 1 from the year number: select cast( trim( extract( year from...
View ArticleAdhoc SQL request - response (2) by muthm
This could do the job: select level0.level0, level1.level1, level2.level2, level3.level3 from ( select row_number() over ( order by level0 ) as rownum, level0 from dx where level0 is not null and...
View ArticleLoading Fixed Width File using Teradata SQL Import - response (1) by...
Can someone please explain me. Is there a way to IMPORT FIXED WIDTH FILE using Teradata SQL Import?
View ArticleDifference between Application RI,Batch RI,explicit & standard RI? - response...
Hard RI is when we implement references ( say emp vs dept tables) where deptno is referenced in emp table to dept table explicitly. However, when we comment the code in DDL about this same referencing,...
View ArticleLoading Fixed Width File using Teradata SQL Import - response (2) by vikas_yadav
Hi, You cannot import or export Fixed Width File using Teradata SQL because SQL assistant accepts delimited file only. you can use bteq import if file is small else TD load utility depending upon...
View ArticleI want to separate the full name in two parts - response (5) by vikas_yadav
Hi, you can use INITCAP function if your on TD 14 else try to install oracle UDF from developer exhange. eg: SEL INITCAP('nILESH'); SEL INITCAP('bHAWSAR'); op: INITCAP('bHAWSAR') Bhawsar
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