Hadoop Online Training - forum topic by saxenariya
Hi All, Intellipaat is Staring new Batches from 29th june 2013 on the following Technology. 1. Hadoop Developer 2. Hadoop Admin 3. Hadoop QA 4. Hadoop DW...
View ArticleMR and MS access rights - forum topic by Kishore_1
What is the use of MONRESOURCE (MR) and MONSESSION (MS) access rights? Whare are they used?Tags: MONRESOURCEMONSESSIONMRMSForums: Database
View ArticleAborting Session - response (2) by Kishore_1
Cancelling the roll back will render the object unusable. Is there any other way out?
View ArticleCHR function fails - response (4) by Nolan Madson
My apologies to those who responded to my query. I was relying on the forum's email notification funtion to tell me someone had responded to my question. I didn't receive an email on this post. Now I...
View ArticleReplace with carriage return/ line feed - response (3) by Nolan Madson
Dieter, No, I'm on TD 13.10. The oReplace function works. Thanks, Nolan
View ArticleSQL Assistant inserts double quotes - forum topic by Nolan Madson
I've created a process in Excel/ VBA to generate TD SQL INSERT statements. The process primarily performs string handling functions including dealing with handling text with double and single quotes...
View ArticleSession Blocked by another idle session - forum topic by Kishore_1
In View Point , I am observing an IDLE session is blocking an ACTIVE session.On further investigating, I found the blocker session is holding a Read Lock on one of the tables that the blocked session...
View ArticleQuery to return the difference of dates between records - forum topic by Riny
Hi All, I have a table with policy no,status code,status date. I want to get the difference of the status dates for each policy(will have more than one record with different status codes)after getting...
View ArticleImplicit conversion of Integer to VARCHAR - response (2) by Nishant.Bhardwaj
Hi Ulrich, In context to the above explain plan, i can see both ALL -amps retreival and a group amp operation in it. Would it be considered a group amp or all amp operation? Just asking this as i am...
View ArticleAborting Session - response (3) by abhishek.jadhav
You can use commands like LIST STATUS,LIST ROLLBACK TABLES.If that session is listed in output of above command then rollback is still in progress. If CPU is not an issue then increase the rollback...
View ArticleOCES-3 details- - forum topic by Nishant.Bhardwaj
Hi Experts, I am bit unclear about the OCES-3 (Optimizer Cost Estimation Subsystem version 3) in the stats area and BMSMS (bit map set manipulation set) in the Query execution. Can any one please...
View Articlequalify rank() over (partition) - question - response (2) by gksenthilkumar
Sorry for confusion.. I have data like below.. here I want to pick one row for each inr & rd for latest timestamp(dt col).. if we have multiple rows for latest timestamp for that inr & rd then...
View Articlequalify rank() over (partition) - question - response (3) by gksenthilkumar
Sorry for confusion.. I have data like below.. here I want to pick one row for each inr & rd for latest timestamp(dt col).. if we have multiple rows for latest timestamp for that inr & rd then...
View Articlequalify rank() over (partition) - question - response (4) by gksenthilkumar
I am pasting the output here as above highlighted are not showing highlighted rows properly1 1 2000-01-01 10:10:10 4444 4 4 … 1 2 2000-01-01 10:10:10 4444 5 5 … 1 3 2000-01-01 10:10:10 3333 5 5 …
View ArticleAccess Right Abbreviations - response (3) by PeterJ
Thank you, foxbat! Another one to include, for newer versions of Teradata, is 'ST' for 'COLLECT STATISTICS'.
View ArticleTeradata SQL? - forum topic by TcognosD
View ArticleFind position of a character in a string - forum topic by jacky464
Hi Everyone, Anyone could help with this question? I want to select part of a string. The string is like abc_def_dfsfs_dfdfasdfs_fsdfs_fbc_fsd_sfs_sdfsd. I want to select fbc and fsd, but the issue is...
View ArticleFind position of a character in a string - response (1) by Harpreet Singh
Hi, You can try recursive view to search for 5th and 6th '_' and then substring from there to next '_'. Thanks
View ArticleIs there any way to handle single digit's in date? - response (9) by Harpreet...
Thanks Dieter. Learnt a new way rather than using all that substring, position combinations :)
View ArticleHow to get columns in collect stats - forum topic by dr.murthy_td
Hi, in my project few of the tables have collect stats on some columns... Could you guys let me know how to get on what tables having collect stats on what fields???Forums: Database
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