Warning message when using Dynamic cursor - - forum topic by kganesan
Hi, I am trying to executed a procedure having dynamic cursor which returning result set from a unix script. Whenever i run the script, it give a warming message as below*** Procedure has been...
View ArticleSQL to import string with comma (,) from a file using SQL Assistant -...
ok. I got the temporary solution. Because we dont get pipe in the actual data. So, I saved the file with '|' as delimiter. then I changed the delimiter from comma to a pipe in TDA. Thanks!
View ArticleRecursive View - response (2) by thisisKumar
May be this is not the right way. but just throwing an idea. How about creating a another view with the same table defintions and data? or atleast a temporary table? So that we could jon these 2...
View ArticleSQL to import string with comma (,) from a file using SQL Assistant -...
I didn't test it, but did you try to set "enclose column data in" in options -> import/export to "single quotes"? Dieter
View ArticleCase Statement on an Inline View - response (1) by dnoeth
Hi Haarish, could you show the SQL? Is there any RANDOM/SAMPLE/OLAP function in the Derived Table? Dieter
View ArticleQuery using the Sys_Calendar to return quarterly results - response (1) by...
What exactly are you looking for? There are already quarter_of_year and quarter_of_calendar columns in sys_calendar. And a calculation of start and edn of quarter as date would be somehing like start:...
View ArticleWarning message when using Dynamic cursor - - response (1) by dnoeth
Hi Ganesan, just switch it off if BTEQ returns an errorlevel greater zero to the shell: .SET ERRORLEVEL 3212 SEVERITY 0; Dieter
View ArticleHybrid columnar automatic format - response (1) by dnoeth
I would suggest reading the manuals, there should be lots of details in the DDL and the Database Design manuals plus the Columnar Orange Book. Dieter
View ArticleUnique gapless ID:s from system - how to? - response (1) by dnoeth
The only way to get a gapless sequence is to do it on your own with ROW_NUMBER like select row_number() over (order by whatever) + coalesce((select min(seq) from tab), 0) as seq .... from tab Instead...
View ArticleTrying to round result of a computation to 2 digits of precision - response...
What is the maximum values returned by that calculation? I would not use FLOAT as it's precision is limited to approx. 15 digits. Better use DECIMAL instead, which supports up to 38 digits. Dieter
View ArticleLocking of the DBC tables - response (1) by dnoeth
There's no information about locks in DBQL, you need to enable Locking Logger for this. If you want to check the current locks you might use the PMON API UDFs in syslib like MonitorSessions. Dieter
View Articletuning the Skewed joins - response (1) by dnoeth
Hi Suresh, a typical solution would duplicate the query, the first with a condition "WHERE col = skewed_value" and the other "WHERE col <> skewed_value" and UNION ALL both selects. Of course the...
View Articletuning the Skewed joins - response (2) by ToddAWalter
Try first with stats on the column. The extremely skewed values can be dealt with by the optimizer by creating alternate plans. If that does not work, then follow Dieters advice. Hint: if you have a...
View ArticleHybrid columnar automatic format - response (2) by ToddAWalter
Teradata does not automatically determine if a table should be row format or column format. That needs to be specified by the DBA at physical table definition time. The examples you provide show a...
View ArticleConvert Varbyte to Character - response (4) by suhailmemon84
Hi JPORELL/FRED, I know this post was back in 2006, but I'm really in search of a UDF or some method within teradata to convert varbyte to varchar. So I'm hoping you guys can help me out. My primary...
View ArticleWarning message when using Dynamic cursor - - response (2) by kganesan
Dieter, Thanks for your inputs, Is there any way to suppress at the procedure level. Thanks in advance, Ganesan K
View ArticleWarning message when using Dynamic cursor - - response (3) by dnoeth
Hi Ganesan, in a SP simply add a CONTINUE HANDLER. Dieter
View ArticleData Transfer using TPT - forum topic by meet_as
HI, I have two Teradata server, Say A and B. The TPT is licensed for server A only. Server A has TD 14 installed and server B has TD 12.0 installed. Can I transfer the Data from A to B using TPT...
View ArticleTeradata basics - forum topic by oracle.bhadram
Hi, I am new to Teradata. Please suggest me any book , url for basics.Forums: Database
View ArticleDDL Statement , Dynamic SQL in a FOR cursor LOOP -SQLCODE 3772 - forum topic...
I'm fairly new to teradata and stuck. I'm using Teradata Studio. Connection is ANSI MODE - I believe this is significant. It looks like I have noway to execute DDL statement as part of a FOR CURSOR...
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