We have a SCD 2 table PARTY_ID_HIST. It has a surrogate key named Party_sk based on the source system primary key party_id_num. Due to some code issue the table has been populated repeating values and values pre-fixed with 0 for column party_id_num. Due to this there are new surrogate key values generated for column party_sk.
Party_sk Party_id_num
1 12345
2 12345
3 12345
4 012345
5 012345
I have been told to remove duplicate entries. There are two challenges:
1. I dont to delete duplicate entries while maintaining historical record of SCD 2. That means if there are new surrogate keys generated due to change in some other attributes, those records should not be removed.
2. What to do with wrong Party_sk column which have been populated in other tables?