Each record is less than 500 bytes and adding 10 bytes shouldn't cause any difference, strange. Without more info it's hard to say what caused this. Is this repeatable?
300.000 rows in 30 minutes is still quite slow, even when it's a single session with single row inserts. You should definitely think about switching to BTEQ (using a high PACK factor) or a TD load utility, they can easily handle CSV.
Each record is less than 500 bytes and adding 10 bytes shouldn't cause any difference, strange. Without more info it's hard to say what caused this. Is this repeatable?
300.000 rows in 30 minutes is still quite slow, even when it's a single session with single row inserts. You should definitely think about switching to BTEQ (using a high PACK factor) or a TD load utility, they can easily handle CSV.