Hi Ratnam,
I know I am not Dieter but let me try to answer your question:
In a NUSI access the message from PE is brodcasted to all the amps, the reason is to scan all the NUSI subtables, once the NUSI subtable is scanned the selected ROWID's are copied to spool and then only the amps containing rows with these ROW IDs are activated. So in start the NUSI access is all amp but in second step it can be all amp or some selected amps based on the row ids spooled from Subtable.
To understand completely read the manual for detailed step by step understanding.
Hi Ratnam,
I know I am not Dieter but let me try to answer your question:
In a NUSI access the message from PE is brodcasted to all the amps, the reason is to scan all the NUSI subtables, once the NUSI subtable is scanned the selected ROWID's are copied to spool and then only the amps containing rows with these ROW IDs are activated. So in start the NUSI access is all amp but in second step it can be all amp or some selected amps based on the row ids spooled from Subtable.
To understand completely read the manual for detailed step by step understanding.