I am experiencing writers block. The second join has an error with AS B after the FROM clause:
PP_DISCOVERY_VIEWS.fact_payment AS A join
(select * from PP_DISCOVERY_VIEWS.fact_payment where A.ach_cntry_code = 'US' and A.pmt_txn_status_code in ('S','V') and A.is_pmt_official_y_n = 'Y')
PP_ACCESS_VIEWS.dw_bank_account AS B on A.sndr_id = B.b_a_customer_id join
PP_DISCOVERY_VIEWS.dim_customer AS C on B.b_a_customer_id = C.cust_id
The row with the error is highlighted in yellow. I am not sure what I am missing in the code to correct the error. Any help will be greatly appreciated!