Yes , I am refering to access count of indexes, but if my secundary index is the tuple (nu_phone,cod_central) and the access count is 29 for the column nu_phone and 3 for the column cod_central then , how many time is accessed the index ? 29 or 3 ?
Example (dbc.indicesv) :
.... indexname , columname , columnposition , accesscount ..... -->
myIndex1 , nu_phone, 1 , 29 --> row1
myIndex1 , cod_central,2,3 -> row2
myIndex2 , co_region,1,960 --> row3
myIndex2 , co_state,2, null --> row4
myIndex2, co_store,3,247 --> row5
The question :
how many access have the index "myIndex1" ? 29 or 3 ?
how many acces have the index "myIndex2? 960 or 247 or null ???
why the access to column co_state in the index "myIndex2" is null ?
I understand if you access to index (all columns) then the number of accessed to columns of index should be the same , true ?
Yes , I am refering to access count of indexes, but if my secundary index is the tuple (nu_phone,cod_central) and the access count is 29 for the column nu_phone and 3 for the column cod_central then , how many time is accessed the index ? 29 or 3 ?
Example (dbc.indicesv) :
.... indexname , columname , columnposition , accesscount ..... -->
myIndex1 , nu_phone, 1 , 29 --> row1
myIndex1 , cod_central,2,3 -> row2
myIndex2 , co_region,1,960 --> row3
myIndex2 , co_state,2, null --> row4
myIndex2, co_store,3,247 --> row5
The question :
how many access have the index "myIndex1" ? 29 or 3 ?
how many acces have the index "myIndex2? 960 or 247 or null ???
why the access to column co_state in the index "myIndex2" is null ?
I understand if you access to index (all columns) then the number of accessed to columns of index should be the same , true ?