we could use TLE data to capture system cost,stats,random amp sample, ddls and set these up on another system and emulate the system on which the TLE was captured. This would only help as far as looking at optimizer behavior b/w different systems based on the cost captured for a given system. Suppose if I were to set the TLE data on a test system, load test data on the test system -dont collect stats and run my queries - will the optimizer pick the TLE cost (which includes cost,stats and random amp samples) and come up with a plan based on the captured COST info and execute the query rather than basing the plan on the test data which is actually loaded on the test system.
So to what extent will the TLE data be useful. Say suppose I need to test my production environment for performance related issues - where I am using a dev/test box to emulate the production environment and carry out the performance testing with sample query set on sample test data.