I am trying to calculate moving sums and row counts in a query, to do further arithmetic on the said values. For a range of 3 days, for example, I would sum the values given in the rows for those 3 days, and then divide them by the amount of rows in that same time period.
In Oracle, the syntax would be:
sum(score) over(order by responsedate range between interval '2' day preceding and current row)/
sum(n) over(order by responsedate range between interval '2' day preceding and current row) as rolling_score
to clarify with an example, if data was:
responsedt score
2013-09-04 1
2013-09-04 1
2013-09-04 1
2013-09-04 -1
2013-09-03 0
2013-09-03 1
2013-09-02 -1
2013-09-02 0
2013-09-02 1
...the sum(score) and sum(n) would result in a dataset of:
responsedt score sum(n) sum(score)
2013-09-04 1
2013-09-04 1
2013-09-04 1
2013-09-04 -1 4 2
2013-09-03 0
2013-09-03 1 2 1
2013-09-02 -1
2013-09-02 0
2013-09-02 1 3 0
...with the result being 3/9 = 0.3333...
Trying the Oracle syntax, which looks pretty ANSI to me, I get "expected the word RESET or ')' after ORDER BY clause."
I have experimented now with range_N, where the intervals were not accepted, partitioning by response date, which compiles but does not give me what I want...
Please help. Googling did not help, also, related questions in TD forums have not resulted in an answer I would have seen as answering the question.