spool is only used for uers and not databases. You can create a user under another user or database.
Since databases and users are very similar in TD, that's why it might be mentioned here.
I have never came across spool space given to database. its given to user directly or to profile , in which users are added.
When using the CREATE USER, CREATE DATABASE, or CREATE PROFILE statements to
assign spool space limits, consider the settings of the following space levels, which are listed in
the DBC.DiskSpaceV view. -
spool is only used for uers and not databases. You can create a user under another user or database.
Since databases and users are very similar in TD, that's why it might be mentioned here.
I have never came across spool space given to database. its given to user directly or to profile , in which users are added.
When using the CREATE USER, CREATE DATABASE, or CREATE PROFILE statements to
assign spool space limits, consider the settings of the following space levels, which are listed in
the DBC.DiskSpaceV view. -