I created a macro as below by using log-in "cly_dba",
replace macro cly_db.zam_emp_mac1
create table cly_db.zam_dummy
col1 integer,
col2 varchar(10)
But when i execute above macro, it is giving me the error written below,
exec cly_db.zam_emp_mac1 ;
""3524: An owner referenced by user does not have CREATE TABLE WITH GRANT OPTION access to database cly_db"".
I tried granting rights to database "cly_db" to user "cly_dba" as below,
grant all on cly_db to cly_dba with grant option ;
grant create table on cly_db to cly_dba with grant option ;
But still I am getting above error.
And when I create the same table directly in SQL assistant as below, it is working fine.
create table cly_db.zam_dummy
col1 integer,
col2 varchar(10)
Please let me know why it is giving error when i try to create table through macro.