Anybody know how to detect NO DATA condition for a select in dynamic result set?
This simple example detects the no condition for the UPDATE but the select does not generate a no data condition.
replace PROCEDURE get_id ( in p_id char(7) )
dynamic result sets 2
declare v_sql_sel varchar(2000);
declare v_sql_upd varchar(2000);
declare v_test integer default 1;
declare emp_hdr_sel cursor with return only for s1;
declare emp_hdr_upd cursor with return only for u1;
declare exit handler for not found insert into sp_log values(current_timestamp, v_test, 'There was no data');
set v_sql_sel = 'select lname from emp where id=?;';
set v_sql_upd = 'update emp set lname=''FOO'' where id = ? ; ';
prepare s1 from v_sql_sel;
open emp_hdr_sel using p_id;
set v_test =2;
prepare u1 from v_sql_upd;
open emp_hdr_upd using p_id;