Sorry for late response, I tried but it didn’t work as expected and expecting below
table ppi (a int, b date, c int, d int);
insertinto ppi values (1, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 1,1);
insertinto ppi values (1, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 1,2);
insertinto ppi values (1, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 1,3);
insertinto ppi values (2, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 1,3);
insertinto ppi values (2, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 1,2);
insertinto ppi values (2, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 1,1);
select * from ppi qualify rank() over (partitionby a, c orderby b desc) = 1;
a b c d
1 2013-07-05 1 1
1 2013-07-05 1 2
1 2013-07-05 1 3
2 2013-07-05 1 3
2 2013-07-05 1 2
2 2013-07-05 1 1
select * from ppi qualify rank() over (partitionby a,c orderby b desc, d desc) = 1;
a b c d
1 2013-07-05 1 3
2 2013-07-05 1 3
Below is expected output what I need if I use like qry 1 (table has c1 to c100 other than a,b,c,d, but those c1 to c100 I just want to carry forward for selected rows and i don’t want to add in the partition with desc to avoid performance issue), any suggestion
a b c d
1 2013-07-05 1 3
2 2013-07-05 1 1
Sorry for late response, I tried but it didn’t work as expected and expecting below
table ppi (a int, b date, c int, d int);
insertinto ppi values (1, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 1,1);
insertinto ppi values (1, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 1,2);
insertinto ppi values (1, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 1,3);
insertinto ppi values (2, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 1,3);
insertinto ppi values (2, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 1,2);
insertinto ppi values (2, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 1,1);
select * from ppi qualify rank() over (partitionby a, c orderby b desc) = 1;
a b c d
1 2013-07-05 1 1
1 2013-07-05 1 2
1 2013-07-05 1 3
2 2013-07-05 1 3
2 2013-07-05 1 2
2 2013-07-05 1 1
select * from ppi qualify rank() over (partitionby a,c orderby b desc, d desc) = 1;
a b c d
1 2013-07-05 1 3
2 2013-07-05 1 3
Below is expected output what I need if I use like qry 1 (table has c1 to c100 other than a,b,c,d, but those c1 to c100 I just want to carry forward for selected rows and i don’t want to add in the partition with desc to avoid performance issue), any suggestion
a b c d
1 2013-07-05 1 3
2 2013-07-05 1 1