I am pretty new to teradata and know some basic SQL but I find that I am struggling with this problem.
I need to count the number of records for total sales and cash sales according to what quarter they were sold in. This is similar to what I have inherited. It gives me the count of both for 1 quarter at a time. What I would like is for it to give me the count for each quarter from the past year without me needing to go in and hard code in the dates each time.
create table count_types as (select a.geo_name, a.state, c.ct_all, c. ct_cash from msa_list as a left join (select d.state, count(*) as ct_all, sum(case transaction_type when 'Cash' then 1 else 0 end) as ct_cash from (select propstate, sale_date, transaction_type, salesprice from BestTransaction where sale_date >='2013-01-01' and sale_date <='2013-03-31' and salesprice>1000) as c on a.state=c.propstate);