its not possible to get this info out of dbc
it can change any time and maybe in 5 min the view is valid again.
try the following bteq script
.logon system/user,passwd;
.set width 500;
create volatile table invalid_views (databasename varchar(30), tablename varchar(30)) unique primary index (databasename, tablename) on commit preserve rows;
.OS rm /yourpath/out.bteq
.export data file=/yourpath/out.bteq
select 'show select * from ' || trim(databasename) || '.' || trim(tablename) || ';',
'.if errorcode = 0 then .goto next;',
'insert into invalid_views values ('''||trim(databasename)||''',''' ||trim(tablename)||''');',
'.label next;'
from dbc.tables
where tablekind = 'V'
order by 1;
.export reset
.run file = /yourpath/out.bteq
select *
from invalid_views
order by 1,2
its not possible to get this info out of dbc
it can change any time and maybe in 5 min the view is valid again.
try the following bteq script