I'm trying to calculate the average number of calls for a given weekday by hour of the day. I've tried nesting aggregates byt it always comes out to 1, rather than the actual average.
Here's what the data looks like
creation_ts weekday hour 2013-04-01 20:27:41 Mon 8:00 PM 2013-04-02 15:56:55 Tue 3:00 PM 2013-04-03 11:54:33 Wed 11:00 AM 2013-04-03 23:51:22 Wed 11:00 PM 2013-04-04 17:53:45 Thu 5:00 PM 2013-04-05 10:56:53 Fri 10:00 AM 2013-04-05 15:19:25 Fri 3:00 PM 2013-04-06 03:56:32 Sat 3:00 AM 2013-04-06 14:58:46 Sat 2:00 PM
I'm needing to generate a result set that has an average number of calls for the hour for each weekday.
Something like
Weekday 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 .... 22:00 23:00 Sun 0 2 4 5 18 16 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
I tried using the following statement (by an example for dnoeth in previous similar post) but it only totals accross all days hour, rather than average
**Weekday and "hour" are columns from my temp table where I've extracted both from the timestamp
SELECT weekday, "hour", avg(cnt) as CountByDayOfWeek from (SELECT weekday, "hour", count(*) as cnt from calls_table group by 1,2 )calls group by 1,2
Any help is greatly appreciated!