I understand that this discussion is old but my problem is new. I am using Teradat 13.10.
I have a large table eg: tablea with NUPI as (col1,col2,col3) . This table has approx 400 million rows.
Another table is smaller tableb with UPI as (cols1).
My query is
select col1,col2,col3,col4,col5 (all from tablea) from tablea inner join tableb
on tablea.col1=tableb.cols1
I am trying to force the redistribution of the smaller table, but for some reasons, the larger table gets redistributed.
I even tried to use the above logic and did the join using (table1.col1 = tableb.cols1 + 0) but it didn't help either.
I tried forcing the output into a table having similar primary index as the larger table but it didn't help either.
Can anyone suggest anything?
Thanks in advance