I have a different scenario here.
I get the same error like Adeel, But for a different reason. My source CSV contains data in below format & hence my fastload is unable to process it.
"February 29, 2012","","","","","15/3/2012","22/3/2012","Packaging :: Departure Point :: LON","","15",1,1,0,0.00
"February 29, 2012","","","","","16/5/2012","20/5/2012","Packaging :: Departure Point :: LON","","77",1,1,0,0.00
"February 29, 2012","","","","","19/4/2012","22/4/2012","Packaging :: Departure Point :: LON","","50",0,1,0,0.00
I feel its cause my source data has some quotes. Can you please help me with this?
I/O Error on File Read: 35, Text: EOF encountered before
end of record
Highest return code encountered = '12'